Inclusion and access to the arts is a core value of Abrons Arts Center. We offer tuition assistance and scholarships to all learners who qualify.

Image by Marc Goldberg

Image by Marion Aguas
NYCHA Arts Initiative
The NYCHA Arts Initiative provides free tuition to Abrons Arts Center’s Center Education group classes to residents of Lower East Side New York City Housing Authority (NYCHA) developments.
To qualify for the NYCHA Arts Initiative, you must provide a current NYCHA lease that reflects the registered learner(s) as a member of the household or a state ID with your most recent tax return/public assistance letter with matching address listing the learner as a dependent.
Income-Based Tuition Assistance
Abrons offers tuition assistance to any learner whose household makes under $50,000 annually.
All group class tuition will be 50% off for learners with household income of $50,000 or less annually.
For tuition assistance eligibility, each household is required to submit a current federal income tax return or public assistance letter that reflects the registered learner as a dependent.
The Sammy Cahn Scholarship
The Sammy Cahn Scholarship provides six learners who demonstrate a commitment to advancing their musical craft in an instrument of their choice (including voice) with one year of free, weekly thirty minute private music lessons with a professional instructor.
Sliding-Scale Tuition for School of Making Thinking Workshops
For our short-term workshops offered in partnership with the School of Making Thinking, we offer sliding scale tuition for Black, Indigenous, People of Color (BIPOC), trans and/or disabled participants.
Questions about Tuition Assistance at Abrons? We can help! Email [email protected].