The Value of Mentorship: A Conversation
June 5, 2025
Abrons Arts Center’s 2024-26 New York Community Trust Van Lier Fellows Cyle Warner, kiarita, and Megan Mi-Ai Li and their mentors Baseera Khan, Park McArthur, and Elliott Jerome Brown Jr. discuss the value of mentorship in the visual arts and its importance in the development of one’s creative practice.
Jun 5 June 5

Image by Whitney Browne
About the New York Community Trust Van Lier Fellowship for Visual Artists
New York Community Trust Van Lier Fellowship for Visual Artists supports a cohort of 3 visual artists between the ages of 18 and 30 years old for a residency at Abrons Arts Center over the course of 21 months. Each fellow will be paired with a professional artist mentor who is an alum of the Abrons Arts Center Visual Artist AIRspace Residency program. The mentor will support the creative and professional development of the fellows during the residency period.