Scope of Work
Standing on Business
March 13, 2024
Scope of Work (SOW) presents Master Class: Standing on Business with Ambur C. Smith, a workshop that will demystify New York labor and contract laws to support artists in navigating the gig economy. Participants will be empowered to protect their ideas, negotiate their worth and get paid–on time–for their creativity. In an industry where diverse freelancers struggle to demand their worth and advocate for themselves, this Master Class is a reminder that knowing your rights and effective communication is the key to securing the bag.
Standing on Business will be hosted at Henry Street Settlement's Dale Jones Burch Neighborhood Center, 269 Henry Street, New York, NY 10002.
Open to participants ages 17–24.
This event is sold out.
About Ambur Smith
Ambur Smith is the Founder and Managing Attorney of the Law Office of Attorney Ambur C. Smith PLLC, a DC based, virtual business and intellectual property law firm. Her clients are startups, nonprofits, and creatives across the sports and entertainment, fashion, tech and wellness industries. On any given day, she helps them negotiate agreements with brands like Google, Spotify, Amazon MGM, Michael Kors, Gucci and more.
About Scope of Work
Scope of Work (SOW) is a talent development agency in NYC that establishes equity for young BIPOC creatives through skill and career building in the creative industry.