Hannah Gadsby: WOOF!
September 27–October 27, 2024
More than six years after Nanette propelled them to international stardom, Hannah Gadsby is learning how to process the new world, with all its catastrophes and hypocrisies, from a new perspective. Hannah now finds themself yet again in a place of cultural dissonance, and we all know Hannah does their best work while casting their atypical eye over the fundamental contradictions of life. In this new show that could be seen as the mischievous echo of Nanette, Hannah brings it all – their worries, their wisdom, and their whimsy – to the 330-seat Abrons Arts Center for an intimate and unforgettable evening.
Audio Description will be available for the October 25 performance. To reserve an assisted listening device, please email Justin Faircloth at [email protected].
Mobile Phone/Electronic Device Policy: Use of mobile phones, smart watches, smart accessories, cameras or recording devices will not be permitted in the performance space. They must be switched off, not muted. If you have any questions about this policy, please email [email protected]

Photo by Mia Mala McDonald